
DOCH! Deutsch a(u)nd Marine Biology do mix!

Meet Undine

& the author of "Undine geht" (translated literally as "Undine goes") Ingeborg Bachmann:

It seems like all the German literature I have been reading lately has something to do with the sea and this short story is one of my new favorites. It is about a "woman" named Undine who lives under water and has a strong thing or two she would like to say to all the males of the world out there. Ihr Ungeheuer! (You monsters!)

YES! This short story is a post-WWII revelation. Not only was all art and literature a taboo and difficult subject after the Nazi period (it was pretty much forbidden or heavily monitored), but it was unheard of to have a woman speak up openly about gender roles and Bachmann does just that. 

It is a beautiful story that confronts the dichotic divide between the sexes. Undine represents all that is nature, beauty, and woman. While men are represented through generic Hans, who is incredibly normal and hardworking like a man "should be." However, Hans also represents the man that is the exception because ultimately Undine falls in love with him. He is different than all the others (in a limited way). This is the first version of men are from Mars and women are from Venus...women have "feelings" and men belong to a world outside of this that is dedicated to work and industry.   

Here are two great quotes that I have translated (unfortunately I cannot find an English version of the text online!)

Undine to men...
Deutsch: "Verstehst du es wohl? Deine Einsamkeit werde ich nie teilen, weil da die meine ist, von länger her, noch lange hin. Ich bin nicht gemacht, um eure Sorgen zu teilen. Diese Sorgen nicht!"

English: Do you understand? I will not share your isolation because it is mine from longer ago. I am not made to share your worries. Your worries not!

Undine to Hans....
Deutsch: "Keine Lichtung wird sein. Du anders als die anderen. Ich bin unter Wasser. Bin unter Wasser. Und nun geht einer oben und haßt Wasser und haßt Grün und versteht nicht, wird nie verstehen. Wie ich nie verstehenden habe."

English: There will be no path. You whom is different than the others. I am under water. Am under water. And now one goes above and hates water and hates green and doesn't understand, will never understand. How I have never understood.     

Surprisingly, a film adaptation was done in 2010 with Colin Farrell. I have not seen it, but I am skeptical. 

1 comment:

  1. oooo this is cool!! I absolutely love that you can translate it from german!! So awesome!
